A second house I have now started bowling in has a classic wet/dry over under.
Lots of friction outside 10....All the way down the lane. The classic wet dry expectation. The wider one projects the more the ball comes back. So balls that hit the 3 board at the break point crossover, balls that hit 9 flush.
There I can use classic pin ups(not much volume) I have found the solution there is parallel moves instead of 2 and 1s and the like. It is also here that my 2 inch pin to pap 135 degree angle Hammer Onyx Vibe is not bad, until it loses hit late in game 2.
The interesting place is still the first house which bowls like a bigger hang spot version of the 32 foot shot I just saw on TV this weekend.
PS a side note I have been practicing some days for free speed and it seems to be taking out the wet dry on some of the conditions I am seeing.
Also it is seeming that with this my axis rotation might be getting closer to 45 degrees at times. Both are positives.