In the last couple of years, I have done some experimenting with bridge width. I have found that I bowl much better and more consistently with a bridge(not including insert width) of 3/8".All my life, I had been told better bowlers like a narrow bridge. So, that''s all I used. Then one day I plugged a ball to repair a finger and ended up with a 3/8'' bridge. I immediately had a better feel and cleaner release! I also use 0 lateral on the middle finger and 5/8 right on the ring finger to keep the ball resting on the ball of the index finger, where it belongs. I also drop the ring finger from it''s normal span slightly to accomplish this. I have no tendon or pain issues. I now drill all my balls with these widths.I also use the correct reverse for my flexibility, which is 5/16". I am releasing the ball better than ever and highly recommend that anyone try a slightly wider bridge, you may be surprised!
More specifically to answer your question, most bowlers and drillers strive to make the ball rest on the index finger and the ball of the index finger. NOT on the weak side of the hand, or in the palm. There are some, that do want to palm the ball, but not most high level bowlers. For those that want the feel of palming the ball, I use lots of left pitch in the fingers and thumb. That makes the ball sit in your palm.
the pooh
Edited on 11/8/2009 7:27 AM