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Author Topic: Ball Spinner Idea  (Read 1827 times)


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Ball Spinner Idea
« on: September 04, 2007, 06:53:15 AM »
Within the last year or so I have purchased a 1/2 hp (or maybe 1/4 hp) Vortex single speed ball spinner.  I have purchased several different types of polishes and cleaners.  Yet I am still unable to attain the tackiness of the surface on the ball as my fave pro shop does (i have seriously been able to palm my old thing returns off of the floor).  When I asked him why at my last visit he stated that he has a two speed spinner and uses the top speed when applying the polish.

My question is:  Knowing that the spinner speed increases the friction, which increases the heat between the ball and the polish, which attains the tackiness I desire, can I mount a hair dryer a few inches above the ball spinner to apply the heat before and during the application of the polish since i cannot attain the higher spin speed with my single spin speed spinner?

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated



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Re: Ball Spinner Idea
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2007, 03:25:34 PM »
Just out of curiosity, does the additional tackiness result in a discernible difference in ball reaction?
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Re: Ball Spinner Idea
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2007, 06:15:34 PM »
This whole scenario is beyond bizarre to me. Tackiness will result, in all the cases in which I have sanded, polished and cleaned balls, once the ball is clean. I have had sanded/dull balls be VERY tacky, I have had balls polished in any number of ways including spinner and hand polished, be VERY tacky and have had balls I have just cleaned BOTH by hand and with a spinner be VERY tacky.

I honestly cannot understand the problem since I have never encountered it.

If anything, I worry that the surface of balls I have cleaned with Clean and Dull, Clean and Tacky, Legends cleaner, Track's Power Wash, Brunswick's Remove-All are TOO tacky.
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Re: Ball Spinner Idea
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2007, 03:56:20 PM »
something that might be the problem is that you may be using too much polish. This makes it harder to generate the heat which gets the "tackiness" you are talking about. Try using a small button of polish, then applying constant hard pressure when using the spinner
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Re: Ball Spinner Idea
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2007, 04:08:25 PM »
I agree 100% with Charlest.  I've never had a problem getting a ball to be "tacky" using normal cleaning procedures.  I have used a 1/2 hp Vortex spinner for many years and with proper use it is more than sufficient to apply polish.  Try this after you polish a portion of your ball.  Take a clean rag and spray some water on the ball.  Pretend you are "polishing" your ball with the water.  You don't have to make more than a couple passes per side.  As another poster stated, you may be using too much polish and not removing all the residue.

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