Sorry for all the posts all of a sudden. I hadnt bowled since 1980. When I got the bug again I was lost. Reactive??? What kind of plastic is that? LOL. Now after approx 6 years of being back Im still gathering info. Ive had enough time to figure where my style fits in and the equipment that matches my style but every time I get another ball I want to try a different drill just to see what its like. As you know the problem with that is the same drill on 10 different balls could roll 10 different ways. Looking at reviews is cool as long as you can find someone with all your stats. Speed. revs, tilt. etc. The first ball I purchased 6 or so years ago was drilled basic label leverage even though I didnt know then what it meant. Since then Ive tried different drills and different balls. One can get really confused looking at all the manufacturers sites and drill instructions. Even morich, seems like you pick the angles for a reaction but it still ends up like all the others. Your placing the pin for the flare and the mb to try and shape the break point to match your style and conditions.. Im wondering if a hook/set drill say pin at 4 1/2 mb on axis line is like a straighter shaped skid/snap. Skid snaps can be hard to controll when they get jumpy. Label seems to be continuous arc. If hookset is that continuous arc only a straighter shape.I may try it out. I know there are so many factors its almost impossible to advise as to reaction. Im older and bowled all my life up till '79 or so. Classic stroker by nature but able to adjust to get more revs. Repeating shots is and always has been most important. Controllable hard charging down and in is my favorite line/reaction to play. So is a hookset going to be jumpy, or a smoother straighter label type reaction. The ball is a symmetric core solid sanded at 800 oob. Should a low rg even arcing type ball be drilled to compliment that? Again sorry for the novel, just trying to educate myself as much as possible to improve my game
I suffer from obsessive compulsive bowling disorder!