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Author Topic: Best tools for ovaling thumbhole?  (Read 5525 times)


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Best tools for ovaling thumbhole?
« on: August 31, 2005, 10:44:31 AM »
Attempting to do the job myself, as my ball driller has been ill recently.  Should I obtain a small rasp, or would an "Ebonite work-out tool" do the job?

Only saw a photo of the work-out tool before, not sure of what exactly it does.

Any input would be appreciated, thanks.



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Re: Best tools for ovaling thumbhole?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2005, 08:24:03 PM »
I use small strips of sandpaper (5/8" x 2") taped to my index finger with double-sided carpet tape. Use good quality sand paper - start with 80 grit - when you have it almost complete switch to 220 grit to smooth out the rough surface, then give it a final finish with little strips of 600 grit (wet). Wear a dust mask - urethane dust isn't a good thing to breathe on a regular basis.


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Re: Best tools for ovaling thumbhole?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2005, 07:36:52 AM »
There are a few options that will make the job easier:

1. Ebonite work out tool - basically a round blade for shaving off the side of a hole.

2. Rasp - It will remove the material very fast, but you will have to be more carefull and sand the hole more afterwards.

3. Hand held sanding drum - works well, but it takes a while

4. Sanding drum on a mandrel - My personal choice outside of using a drill press.  You simply chuck the mandrel into a hand-held drill and go to town.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA

the pooh

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Re: Best tools for ovaling thumbhole?
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2005, 02:02:20 AM »
Use the Ebonite Ultra Fit tool first to get the oval close but tight.Then take a 3/4 inch piece of 80 grit drywall screen and using it on your index finger go up and down to smooth and give the final fit for your thumb. I teach most of my customers how to oval their own thumb holes and they learn to get a perfect feel! Only you know where you need to work it out, no one else can feel what you do when you put your thumb in the ball!!
the pooh


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Re: Best tools for ovaling thumbhole?
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2005, 07:06:47 AM »
If you usa a rasp, two words...light and slow ! It takes out a lot with little effort, but a good tool to have. Work out tool is also a good one to use. Takes out as much or little as you apply pressure.

They are hard to find ( in the right size) but I also use a "D' file or half round file. It allows me to take smaller amounts out and depending on the pattern, a nice smooth finish.

Final sand I use sandpaper on my finger, it's the only way I can get the right "feel" of the final hole. I do think also, that the customer is the only one that can really finish, knowing the right feel and what side may need a bit more than the other to get the "perfect" fit.

AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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