Well you can always look at the specs sheets that come with the equipment when purchased. That will give you an idea of what different types of lay outs there are.
I just bought a Hammer 4D and the specs sheet gives info on how big and deep weight holes should be to remove certain amounts of weights, which I found interesting.
As far as actually drilling your own stuff, there are books out there, but apparently the good ones are pretty expensive. I saw one I had thought about purchasing, and it was well over $100.
If you happen to find anything let me know, because I would like to attempt to drill one of my own pieces just to see what happens

So many Lane Conditions, So Many Balls to choose from....AHHHHH!Sanctioned Highs:
Game-300 (11-15-97 Urethane Beast)
Series-768(255, 269, 244 Ultimate Inferno)