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Author Topic: bevel question on thumb hole  (Read 1657 times)


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bevel question on thumb hole
« on: May 07, 2004, 09:51:21 AM »
Okay, I have always been using more bevel on my thumb hole cuz it feels better.  I am a rev challenged guy. Will less bevel result in a quicker thumb release.  I have tried using more reverse pitch in the thumb but seem to have more trouble holding on and tend to squeeze.  What does less bevel do, if anything, in the thumb hole?



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Re: bevel question on thumb hole
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2004, 01:18:25 AM »
The pitches Author gave you here are true. You have to experiment to see what works best for you . There are a bunch of Posts about these forward in the Track Ball Column posted there yesterday. This is called the Claw Grip. There is two types explained there. One called the Del-Mo Claw Grip and another that I just converted to that was designed for me by pin-chaser. I had almost no revs. I now have revs and they get stronger everytime I bowl and get used to this grip. Another member on this site called Rev-less is already using this grip by pin-chaser, with great success. Ditto for me plus another member by the name of Buddy is working on it for himself tonight.

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Re: bevel question on thumb hole
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2004, 12:44:03 PM »
I have been reading the track posts and find this very interesting and educational.  I, too, love bowling and want to get better.  I thought that more revs comes from after thumb released, fingers in ball longer.  Will more forward pitch in both the thumb and fingers inhibit me from releasing thumb first and then lifting with the fingers; in other words will it inhibit getting that thumb out.  I am thinking of trying to do something with my thumb hole first on one of my balls cuz it is cheaper to redrill the thumb ( I use the thumb solid inserts) rather than changing the pitches on my fingers since then I have to plug and redrill the fingers. I was thinking that the thumb with less bevel but the same pitch would let me get thumb out faster, so I can lift harder and quicker with the fingers. It sounds like maybe more forward pitch in the fingers may be beter as a first change than changing the thumb.  I think I want to change one thing at a time to see what works. What do you think? thanks for the thoughts, any more are appreciated.


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Re: bevel question on thumb hole
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2004, 02:13:42 PM »
Will more forward pitch in both the thumb and fingers inhibit me from releasing thumb first and then lifting with the fingers; in other words will it inhibit getting that thumb out

The thumb will clear easier even with added forward pitch and the fingers will stay in ball a split second longer.

As you add forward pitch to the fingers/thumb, you will have to reduce your span. I'm not an expert enough at this to tell you how much. I am only an expert at telling you what it did for me. I would suggest that you contact pin-chaser and he will tell you "exactly" what to do after you give him certain pieces of information that he requires.....Or you can try the Del-Mo Grip on your own and guess about where to start per the information furnished in the posts and go/adjust from there.

I may try the Del-mo grip at a later date, but right now the one given to me by pin-chaser works so well, I am not going to make any changes at the moment. Regardless of which Claw Grip you try, don't bowl 3 games or so and judge it. Bowl 10-20-30 games or so and then decide if it is good for you or not. It varies from person to person how many games it takes. It only took me 4 games to admit it was better for me than the standard fingertip grip I have been using for years.

No longer a one company ball person.

Edited on 5/8/2004 2:17 PM
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"