Assuming your ball fits your hand properly, there are many factors that cause a ball to not hook, most of them have nothing to do with the way the ball is layed out, unless the ball has the pin past the track, or beyond the verticle axis line.
The main reason your ball doesn't hook is:
1. Improper release see and look in the archived tips on proper release techniques.
2. Too much oil for the ball.
3. Too much speed on the ball.
4. Not enough oil on the lane, yes that's right, the ball hits the dry heads and burns up all of it's side rotation and rolls end over end down the lane and hits like a marshmallow. Put a piece of masking tape from your thumb up through the finger holes and see how much rotation is on the ball. If your ball has no rotation, your choices are to put more speed, loft, rotation, or use a ball with a shiney surface and a weaker core.