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Author Topic: Buddies Pro Shop A++++  (Read 9246 times)


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Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« on: December 16, 2011, 08:01:50 AM »
Just had my second ball in one month drilled from Chris at Buddies Pro Shop.   Also thanks to Tim at Buddies for taking time to talk to me on the phone to fine tune the drill layout I wanted.


Absolutely perfect fit / layout and great guys to work with!!!





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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2011, 02:52:30 PM »
I don't see how anyone can fit a ball to a bowler without physically being there to position finger grips, work out thumb hole, etc. People are just fooling themselves if they think that they can get a perfect fit from a ball driller 1500 miles away. No disrespect to Buddies, I buy all my equipment there, but really think about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2011, 10:22:00 PM »
I agree 100%, if you get sick would you call a doctor in another state to diagnose your illness?
Is bowling any different?

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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2011, 06:42:55 AM »

 I feel as though "different" would be a positive post from you... Comparing a doctor to a pro shop clearly makes sense..


Just because you're not doing it doesn't mean it's not working for others.

Russell wrote on 12/21/2011 11:22 PM:
I agree 100%, if you get sick would you call a doctor in another state to diagnose your illness?


Is bowling any different?

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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2011, 07:15:28 AM »
Actually I own a pro shop, so I kinda "do it" for a living...if someone called me from another state and wanted a ball drilled and shipped, I would politely decline unless they could drive to come see me (I have done this before).
If you think the doctor/bowling analogy is invalid, then you don't understand the modern game at all.  Yes doctors have a much larger knowledge base, but there is no way to diagnose ball reaction over a phone line, just like you can't diagnose a sore throat without being there in person.

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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2011, 07:26:26 AM »
As far as the "you should be positive" was I negative in this post?  I answered the OPs ignorant post saying that ball reaction can be diagnosed and effectively analyzed from 4 states away.
As someone who, on a daily basis has to explain why some idiot on a message board told my customer with 225 rpms and no tilt that he can play 4th arrow if he gets a Nano drilled 40 x 3" x 40, is wrong.  It gets old seeing these sort of posts.  The game is dying and the amount of misinformation out there is not helping.  Now you have guys who think that because they know how to read a ruler and a drill sheet they are pro shop operators.  If I don't fluff up my posts and add a bunch of smileys, oh well.

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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2011, 09:19:38 AM »
I highly doubt the OP called up Chris at Buddies and said "hey can I take a picture of my hand and have you drill a ball for me."


Being a former customer of Buddies (before i started drilling my own stuff) I can say they do a great job and are one of the most knowledgable shops in the country.  More than likely the OP and the shop had some sort of interaction before the said balls were drilled, (whether it be the OP sending them a ball to match, maybe a video of the bowler, or hey who knows maybe they've crossed together in a tournament somewhere)


Just because they are 4 states away, doesn't mean the OP couldn't have called and said "hey this is what i'm thinking for this ball, what is your opinion on it from what you've seen." Hell I get phone calls from customers asking opinions on what they might be thinking on a new ball.


Bottom line is Buddies is a first class Pro Shop.


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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2011, 01:20:56 PM »


Where do you get off referring to me as ignorant and saying I was looking for someone four states away to "diagnose the effect of a ball reaction"?  I never implied anything of the sort in my original post.  Please read it again if you doubt me.


I own upwards of 20 balls, I know my drill specs, tilt, axis rotation, speed rev rate, like the back of my hand, I don't use grips or inserts so there is no "on site" fitting needed and I know within a very close proximity of the drill layout I wanted for the reaction I was looking for.    I have my own bevel sander so I can fine tune my own thumb holes to get a perfect fit if needed (which I prefer to do).   As I said in my post my call to Buddies was to "fine tune" the drill layout I already knew I wanted and nothing more.  I was not a "diagnosis" of anything.


Further, I would add that I have had 4 different Pro Shops drill balls for me and two out of the four screwed up some very expensive balls because they acted like they knew a hell of alot more than the really did or perhaps they got so many interruptions that they lost focus of what they were doing.   The other two were great and well worth the price I paid for the expertise.  I might add that I happen to think that because the driller at Buddies (Chris) does so much drilling volume and has less interruptions than a pro shop with customers walking in that they actually do as good or better than the best pro shop driller I have used.


Either way, Chris at Buddies did a helluva job drilling my balls and I would not hesitate to recommend them to experienced bowlers that know their specs and know what drill layout they are looking for.  I tested them out first by having them drill a cheap spare ball to see if they would get the drilling right and then I moved up to having them drill a symmetric ball once they earned my confidence.  


I would agree with you that it is not the best option for an un-knowledgeable bowler looking to get a ball drilled.










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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2011, 10:16:28 PM »
Wow what a debate that was created. We would never try to fit someone over the phone or guess there grip, but if someone gives us there specs or sends a ball in we will be more than willing to do there work. We obviously do a great job because those that come to us stay with us. That speaks for itself.
JoeyD - didn't know you still checked out Ballreviews. Don't let the bank catch you 



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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2011, 10:44:00 PM »
I'm not going to debate this, I've said my piece.  I do not doubt the knowledge of the Buddies Pro Shop staff, I know they are some of the most knowledgeable in the game.  What I DO doubt is the ability to analyze ball motion from afar.  If you truly KNOW your game, I think that having balls punched from afar is fine.  Reality is that 95% of bowlers think they know their game, but have no clue.
Chris no disrespect to you or Buddies, but I'm sure in a private forum you would agree with some of my points.  I know the tour reps are incredibly good with ball motion, but I wouldn't call Chuck Gardner asking for a layout because he's seen me throw a ball a couple of times.  It just isn't reasonable.

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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2011, 06:07:50 AM »
Russell -

I agree with you you that one cannot analyze ball motion from afar.  I never said that in my original post and that is not what I was referring to when I said Buddies "fine tuned" my layout. 


I would also say that the majority of drilling activity that I have witnessed pro shops happens without the pro shop operator taking the time to watch someone bowl before drilling their ball.  The typical conversations I have overheard in pro shops is a bowler walking in and saying I want a ball that does such and such (usually "hooks alot") and the pro shop operator asks some questions of how the bowler throws the ball, confirms finger and thumbhole sizes and spans and then proceeds to layout the ball and put it on his rack to drill it up the next day or so (without the pro shop operator ever watching the bowler throw a ball).


I am not sure if that is because bowlers don't demand a level of service to have the driller watch them throw a few balls before drilling or if the pro shop operators are too focused on moving on to the next customer to keep up their profits.   Perhaps it is a little of both.


So, if you are a pro shop operator that takes time to work with a bowler to analyze their ball motion and give them a good layout.... great.   That is the way it should be and I say good for you.   You have earned your money, provided the bowler a good level of service and are contributing to advancing the sport in a good way.    I would not say that is the norm for all pro shop operators and thus partly the reason for some consumers to take their business to online shops.











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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2011, 08:12:23 AM »
MK I agree with you 100%, and it's sad that there are so many people in the industry who really have no clue (or don't care) about fine tuning motion for people, and the importance of numbers like tilt, revrate, ball speed.  When someone comes in the shop the conversation starts as you just said, and I'll throw a couple of ideas out there based on what they tell me, but then I explain that before we do anything I have to see them throw a few balls.  It shocks me how many new customers say that their previous ball drillers never did this.
The shop I compete with the most is like that.  He doesn't use PAP at all, just puts holes in balls.  He's good (enough) at hitting lines, and SUPER cheap (sells high end balls for like $180 drilled with grips), and people tend to go to him because I am so much more expensive.  He probably drills 10x the balls I do, and that has a little to do with his prices and techniques, but that is no excuse.

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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2011, 11:15:38 AM »
I will agree with your statement below. This is why consumers give us the layout they desire such as MK did or they send us video clips of them bowling. We want to see each player we drill for bowl.
What I DO doubt is the ability to analyze ball motion from afar.  If you truly KNOW your game, I think that having balls punched from afar is fine.  Reality is that 95% of bowlers think they know their game, but have no clue. 
We also do what you state below and hear the same thing from customers. This is why they drive from hours away or fly in to see us. It is an absolute shame that there are only a small handful of pro shops in this country that actually do a GREAT job with fit, ball performance, and educating bowlers. We wonder why bowling loses bowlers all the time when we have so many shops that put three holes in the ball and send the consumer out the door. These shops know nothing about ball motion or how a ball should fit. Thus they do a disservice to their customers. But it's even worse that the bowling centers they are in let this happen and are just happy to take the shops rent and not care about the service that is given. (Enough of this rant as I could go on forever)
When someone comes in the shop the conversation starts as you just said, and I'll throw a couple of ideas out there based on what they tell me, but then I explain that before we do anything I have to see them throw a few balls.  It shocks me how many new customers say that their previous ball drillers never did this. 
In the end we provide a much greater service from afar than many, many bowlers will ever get locally. But Russell it is truly refreshing to hear that you put so much effort and care into your service. It shows you are one of the few that get it in this sport. 

Edited by BuddiesProShopcom-Chris on 12/24/2011 at 12:16 PM

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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2011, 11:54:16 AM »
I'd like to offer a +1000 on Buddies and the quality of their drilling service.  4 balls now with no issue.  Even if I had to pay what some of the local drillers around here charge, I'd still go with Buddies. If you have many options for good drillers in your area, that is great.  I live in a small town and my options are limited.  
When it comes time for a grip change, I'll hop in the car and make the 4 hour drive for a new fit.
While many of you will support and defend your ball driller's right to make a living.  The fact is that the Internet has changed the retail picture forever.  A good pro shop should focus on expanding the services they offer instead of complaining about all of the sales that they're losing on Internet purchases.   

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Re: Buddies Pro Shop A++++
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2011, 12:18:14 PM »
I've been reading this thread and feel the need to chime in. I live in northern WI and have a number of pro shops to choose from. The very best is located about 75 miles from me. I used to go there every time I was thinking of getting a new ball but now with gas prices and a lot less time to make such trips I no longer do that. The pro shops in my immediate area are pretty good at laying out a ball but the thing I have found is that I never get the fit I really want (I'm really picky on the feel of the thumbhole). When I heard about Buddies and the Ultimate Thumb molds they do, I took a ball that I had fine tuned the thumb for the best feel I'd had and I sent it to them for getting my stats on file and a thumb mold made. Later getting a new ball I sent a video to them and they got to see me throw a few balls. Their analysis of my game was right on.


In the years past they have drilled numerous new balls for me and re-drilled some used ones. I have had great success with the layouts Chris or Tim have done for me. I have bought some balls that didn't work for me (as I think many guys do) but it's usually that the ball does match my game as well as I hoped for and not because of a bad fit or or layout. I have talked to them on the phone or carried on e-mail conversations and feel just as comfortable with them as any pro shop I could go to in my area. As an example, I picked up a used ball that was a single drill and in mint condition. I took it to a local pro shop to just get the thumb re-done and fit for span. The driller (who's pretty good) for some reason messed up the span twice and finally decided his best option was to plug the entire ball and start over. I now have a ball that has plugging that is really obvious and the ball still does not fit me as well as stuff I have done at Buddies and I rarely use it. Glad I didn't pay much for it but it was money wasted. I won't make that mistake again!


I love Buddies and wouldn't go anywhere else. Quality work at great prices!!!!!!