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Author Topic: Can anyone figure this out?  (Read 7102 times)


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Can anyone figure this out?
« on: November 07, 2009, 08:35:13 AM »
I was wondering how normal it is for the thumb to slip when I hang the ball down at my side(still stays on).  It pretty much still happens even if I put as much tape as possible in and can still get my thumb in.  The slipping I'm talking about is also sort of a lean of the thumb towards the upper part of the thumb hole. Hopefully you can picture that.  If not I can try to take pics of what it's doing.

Any ideas what might be causing this?  Span is 4 1/4 and 4 1/8 with 1/8 forward and 1/4 left in the thumb, I'm right handed.  Not very flexible in the thumb joint, so I'm told.  Could a short span be the cause(if it's short, I have to believe it's only the ring finger and only by 1/8")?  Might I need more forward pitch?  

This isn't a huge problem if I'm going to grip the ball and I can just set my thumb in the slipped position before I start my approach.  But if I want to start relaxing more I probably need my whole thumb to stay put in the hole during my swing with little to no slipping.
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Re: Can anyone figure this out?
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2009, 03:34:01 AM »
especially if I'm not going to be making the thumb hole tight

If you're not going to have a tight thumbhole, there is a high probability that you will grip the ball, whatever your pitches. When I hang the ball by my side, the ball does shift slightly, however, this doesn't happen when I'm bowling normally, because the ball is in motion, and that motion maintains the ball's position on the thumb, until the bottom of the swing where it wants to come off. I suppose the question is, does your ball slip like that when you actually swing your arm, or is it just when you hang it by your side? If it's when you hang it by your side, it's not a very "normal" event in bowling terms.

That said, if you can put your fingers further into the ball than the first joint, and still get your thumb in (comfortably) then your span is likely too short. Have you tried white tape on the front and back of the hole? I find that this gives me plenty of grip on the ball, meaning I don't need to hold onto it. I would also mention that it's worth changing the tape frequently (I change mine every 12-15 games or so) as the tape gradually absorbs skin oils and loses friction, without me noticing, until suddenly, the ball flies off my hand too early.
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Re: Can anyone figure this out?
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2009, 08:50:45 PM »
I had my span lengthened and use less bevel now, and I think I can still get the joint of my ring finger in further than I should be able to.  Anyways, the thumb still shifts a little, even during the swing and with a snug thumb hole with white tape in the back.  I really don't know if there's a way to get it it to go away completely, but what I like to do is shift my thumb the way it will during the swing before I go.  That way I don't have to deal with extra thumb rubbing or feeling the thumb slip.
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Re: Can anyone figure this out?
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2009, 01:57:34 AM »
I put tape about 1/4" below the top of the hole.  I know what you mean about the taper as that can happen after enough pieces, but I don't feel it for now.

Quick thought here.

I try to press my thumbnail against the back of the thumb hole during the whole swing.  This prevents me from clenching my hand in an effort to hang onto the ball.  When the ball is ready to leave my hand, it does so with out any thought.

There is more to bowling than just knocking down pins.

Can't do it.  Been there done that, it just doesn't work for me, for whatever reason.  Ball went straight, more or less.
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Re: Can anyone figure this out?
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2009, 02:05:12 AM »
Strike Dom,

Have you tried something like Magic Carpet.. It works if done correctly.

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Beer for the man, white wine fruit based drink for the lady.
Lane 1 for the man, storm fruit smelling ball for the lady.....
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( . .)
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.....
Beer for the man, white wine fruit based drink for the lady.
Seismic for the man, storm fruit smelling ball for the lady.....
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Re: Can anyone figure this out?
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2009, 10:06:20 AM »
Strike Domination -- Two ways to check your fit -- the one everyone uses is to put your thumb in, lay the fingers over their holes and see if the leading edge of the hole is roughly half way between the first and second joint.  The other way is to grip the ball and let it hang by your side.  A standard pencil should fit snugly between your palm and the ball.  It should take just a small amount of force to insert the pencil.  --  JohnP


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Re: Can anyone figure this out?
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2009, 01:43:52 AM »
Bandit, I sampled it over a year ago.  I think it's a cool product, combining proper air flow and snugness in the thumb hole.  Some how you can still get out of the ball nicely.  I just wouldn't want to need a product like that to do well.  A product like gator tape has also been suggested to me, I think the Vise TA series tapes are similar.

Is it not normal for the thumb to shift somewhat when you swing the ball or hold it at your side, due to gravity?
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the pooh

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Re: Can anyone figure this out?
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2009, 08:42:52 AM »
IMHO it is not normal for the ball to shift at all while hanging at your side OR during delivery. This sends a signal to me that either the span,pitches,or size of holes(or all 3) are WRONG! When I hang the ball by my side, it is very secure with almost no grip pressure.
the pooh
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Re: Can anyone figure this out?
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2009, 12:47:27 PM »
I went through the same thing.. tried different spans and different pitches and bevel.. less bevel or a more snug thumb(front to back) will probably help the issue as it did me but then my thumb wanted to hang up every now and then.  I finally just said enough and went with it.. if my wrist is cupped and firm the ball will not slip and there is no fear of the ball ever falling off during my swing so i just go with it.. I change my release and how I get out of the ball all the time so I would rather be able to get out of the ball all the time than hang up and toss myself onto the lane.

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Re: Can anyone figure this out?
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2009, 05:54:02 PM »
pooh, so you don't feel your thumb move or anything?

Here's some pics to hopefully help people understand what it's doing.

First I put my hand in the ball, then swung it and placed it back on the ground.  The amount it shifts is probably cut in half if I put the death grip on the ball, this is with normal grip pressure and the hole is as snug as I'd ever want it to be and I'd probably hang.
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