So, I just finished laying out my first ball ever! I'm kind of excited!

After reading lots of posts and watching lots of videos (and getting the proper tools to do it with), I found my PAP for the first time!
P.S. It's 4 7/16" over by 7/8" up
P.S.S. Thanks to BrunsNick for the easiest way I've found to find a PAP!
Now, finally, here's the question:
Is it normal for the pin to end up where a finger should be drilled? I layed out a Virtual Energy using Storm's recommended:
4 3/4" Pin-PAP
5" Key-PAP
4" Pin Buffer
This puts 85% of the pin where my middle finger would be drilled. Am I doing something wrong or should I choose a different layout? Again, this is my first layout so I don't have a lot of experience doing this! Any thoughts or advice is appreciated!