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Author Topic: Center Line Transition / Brunswick Offset?  (Read 1277 times)

The Illustrious One

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Center Line Transition / Brunswick Offset?
« on: March 05, 2006, 01:33:34 PM »
Can somebody please explain this style of drilling a ball to me? I've heard it referenced a few times now, something about the locations of your finger(s) and thumb holes and how they are supposed to fit in the ball.

I also bought a used Green Gargoyle that fit me perfectly ($25 dollars, sweet deal) and had to do nothing to it. When I bought it I was told that this ball had a Brunswick offset (thumb hole) and I noticed that this ball fit beautifully, much more comfortably than any of the previous balls I had drilled up. Are the Brunswick offset and Center Line Transition the same or are they different?

I'm confused. Help!

The Illustrious One
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The Illustrious One

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Re: Center Line Transition / Brunswick Offset?
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2006, 03:23:32 PM »
now that is exactly what happened to my father. he had his balls redone in CLT and his average has gone up considerably (170 to 193 so far) and i notice (as he does) that he doesn't hang in the ball and his release is super smooth.

thank you for your help!
The Illustrious One
.....has spoken.

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