Russel you are vary correct there is no one that is inocent in this.
I do have a great respect for alot of you on this site but I was trying to prove a point here and you three helped me in doing so. There is way to much bashing thats going on, on this site instead of just helping someone out when they have a question and I hope you agree with me on that, I think there needs to be some changes made on this site to stop the bashing,and yes I have been guilty of it myself a few times, but I am going to stop.
Cobalt Pearl,Tsunami,XL,XXL,XXXL,
Total NV
Thats Just What I Carry In The Bag
And In Storage
Cobalt Bomb (NIB),BCB(X1-NIB),
Original SD X1 NIB
Pearl Cherry Bomb (X2-1NIB 1 is 16Lb)
Pink Raspberry (X1-16Lb)
And Always Looking For More
F.O.S. To The Bone