I found this statement in Storm Track website
http://home.mchsi.com/~s-cross-7-28-71/FAQ.htm#AFFECTS%20OF%20SPAN%20AND/OR%20PITCH%20CHANGESThumb Pitches:
+ Left = Reduced axis rotation, possible soreness to right side of the thumb at the tip and left side at the base.
+ Right = More axis rotation, possible soreness to the left side of the thumb at the base and right side at the tip.
My questions:
1) Is there anyone using this variety of left / right thumb pitch on their arsenal? and
2) If so, doesnt it make the kind of different feeling when using the balls? Well, I'm a bit confused coz I was always told that we got to have the same 'feeling' with all the balls in my arsenal.
Someone please clarify this issue to me. My current thumb pitch is 1/8 reverse and 1/8 to the right. Thanks in advance.