1. Not quite understanding your question here, but you are right that smaller drill angles create faster (i.e. earlier) transition. Your 35 degree drill angle is relatively low, so you WILL see the ball rev up sooner. As for the backend reaction, a large portion of that is based off of your VAL angle.
2. This is incorrect. A large angle to the VAL, will result in slower transition from hook to roll, therefore a much mellower backend. A smaller angle to the VAL will result in quicker transition on the back part of the lane, creating a more angular backend reaction. This is very easy to see in pin location. Small VAL angles will raise the pin higher, as big angles will push the pin down towards, and possibly below, your fingers.
3. I think you are simply getting drill angles and val angles confused here. I will not speak about Ebonites information, as I am not looking right at it and my answer would simply be an assumption. A 70 degree DRILL angle will create decent length, while a 70 degree VAL angle will provide a smoother reaction downlane.
Another factor not mentioned, but equally, if not more, important is pin to pap distance. This will determine the overall flare potential.