USBC ball specs say the ball circumference varies from 26.7" to 27.0". Given that the first oil track diameter corresponds to the bowler's axis tilt, a 0 degree tilt should equal a track diameter of 13.4" - 13.5". If that is the case, that is the track diameter of a full roller.
Yes, there can be a track diameter of 13.5" and the track can still be outside of the thumb and the fingers, but if the track diameter is 13.5", that ball is still traversing the full circumference of the ball, making it a full roller.
Are your measurements off a little somewhere?
I can't find Mo's old table where the track diameter in inches is mapped to the axis tilt in degrees. It used to be both on Mo's website and Buddies website, but right now, I am not finding it. (If someone has it or its location, I'd be grateful if you'd post it here. Thanks)
"None are so blind as those who will not see."