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Author Topic: Conventional finger pitch  (Read 1263 times)


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Conventional finger pitch
« on: March 12, 2008, 11:58:07 AM »
I recently had a customer come in with a ball she said was causing pain in her fingers.  The span was 2 3/4 middle finger and 2 7/8 ring finger.  Both fingers were pitched 1/2 reverse (away from palm).  Thumb was pitched 1/2 forward, which is the same as I would have done.  Has anyone ever seen this much reverse in the fingers with such a short span?  If so, what was the reason for the pitches?  I changed the finger pitches to 1/8 forward.  Although this is not the amount I would normally do on a short span, I was afraid if I went too much it would cause her more problems. The new pitches have corrected the pain in her fingers and she comes out of the ball clean.  Any opinions will be appreciated.
And before anyone asks, this ball was originally drilled in a reputable pro shop.

Edited on 3/12/2008 8:16 PM



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Re: Conventional finger pitch
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2008, 11:11:11 PM »
That was one of my first thoughts too, but she has a second ball that has the same pitches.  She does not use that one anymore, but it was drilled in the same shop by a different person.