Well I'm sure many of our ball drillers know all this.
But I didn't so I'll post my impressions so far!
My previous with powerlift finger insert setup!
4 31/32 span on ring, 3/8 left pitch, 1/8 reverse pilot hole, 4 7/8 span on middle, 3/8 right pitch, and 1/8 reverse pilot hole. Thumb 5/32 reverse and 3/32 left pitch(palm under lateral for this lefty!)
Now I receive a ball in trade....almost the same span...and just the old fashioned just fingerholes in a ball(3/16 bridge).
IMMMEDIATELY I notice pain on the left side of both fingers(this would be on the right...for most of ya'll)!! Yikes...I measure lateral pitches and they are very similar to my insert pitches above. Say 1/4 left for my ring and 1/4 right for my middle....Yikes OHHHHHHH!
SOO....I move the pitches to the left (this would be similar to a move right for you righties!)....Now I find even at 1/8 right for my middle and 7/16 left....still soreness on the left of both my fingers!! Yikes!
Finally I end up at 1/16 right middle finger and 1/2 left ring!
Wow.....this is like right out of the old Bill Taylor books! He recommends 0 middle finger lateral and 5/8 out lateral ring!
ALSO I note I can no longer have as long a span without the inserts(was I squeezing them shorter?). I go 4 7/8 ring and 4 3/4 middle(basically 1/8 shorter!) BUT with the same thumb pitch I can't get out very fast and seem to be hanging with same bevel and pitches as with inserts. In addition I am not getting around the side of the ball like I usually do and am playing much more direct than usual(surprisingly scoring pretty well playing this simple direct lefty game!)
NExt step I add another 1/16 reverse ....now I am very near the Bill Taylor forward reverse tables for my thumb. In addition it feels like because my fingers are more directly BEHIND the ball.....NOW I must go more lateral under palm to get a similar release as before(ie like my Coke Bottle test of 1/4 lateral left!).
This is the step I am taking next...1/4 lateral from my current 3/32 left.
Standard naked holes....seem to force one(at least in my case!)
Shorter span....more lateral left in the fingers, more lateral and reverse in thumb...ie sort of like the old fashioned Bill Taylor tables spans and pitches from his old but still well known drilling book.
Drilling gurus....have you found this to be true for your clients that these tweaks are needed when going from inserts to naked holes or back again?
Is the reason for the change in lateral the dramatic change in net bridge...ie with inserts near 1/2 inch finger spread and without inserts a true 3/16 to 1/4 inch bridge??
Drilling gurus....your help and comments appreciated!
PS I am finding the roll to be very good and very heavy all of a sudden....I like it!
Open the door...see what''s possible...and just walk right on through...that''s how easy success feels..
Edited on 8/22/2008 3:33 PM