I have a grip question in reference to my RF.
First, I have balls with various spans from my experimenting last winter.
Some are relaxed span.
Some are longer than relaxed span, but short of being called stretched span.
Some have the same span measurements on both the MF & RF
Some have the RF span 1/16" longer than the MF
Now, here is my question.... I was messing around this week and inserted my RF only 1/2 - 2/3 of the way into the finger hole and not all the way in to the first joint from tip of finger.....To my amazement it made my ball way stronger with more revs as well as a way stronger on the back-end.
I did this with my current balls which has the span the same on MF & RF. It made such a difference that I decided to see what the effects would be on my other ball with a longer span and also the one with a 1/16" longer span on RF....The results were the same in that it improved their performacne likewise.
Does anyone have an explaination for this?
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."