I have often wandered what this would do, had at one time thaught about having an old ball drilled up with just the pinky and ring finger and thumb drilled just to see what it would do but just never did
Don Smith
F.O.S. To The Bone
Cobalt (X1),Tsunami (X1`),Pearl Uranium,XXXL
Buzzsaw C/Carbide,XXL
thats just what I carry
Cobalt Bomb (NIB),BCB(X2-1 NIB),
Original SD(X2,NIB),
Golden Nugget,
Pearl Cherry Bomb (X3-1NIB 1 is 16Lb)
Pink Raspberry (X1-16Lb)
Black raspberry(X1-16Lb)
And Always Looking For More
Edited on 10/18/2006 11:12 PM