I just purchased a 16lb Storm Lock. I haven't been bowling for too long. I throw 17mph, with a tweener style throw, averaging about 190. I notice most people on here have more stats, although i have no idea how to measure revs and what not. I do not know what kind of drill layout to drill. I really want the high hook but I also want to be able to use this ball once the oil starts to wear off a bit. I consider myself a beginner with limited experience, once or twice a game i will completely mess up and throw the ball in the gutter. I am looking for a layout that is forgiving with not having the best skill consistency, can be used in med-heavy oil conditions, but has a high hook potential. Is this possible? I looked on google, found various layouts for storm products, will these layouts work for all storm balls, or does it change from ball to ball? All advice is welcome, I am trying to learn, and know very little, so don't worry about insulting my intelligence, because you are not. Also, I do not have a local pro shop I can have help me, as I am deployed in WESTPAC. Thanks in advance.