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Author Topic: Cup and Collaspe Release  (Read 1099 times)


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Cup and Collaspe Release
« on: November 29, 2009, 01:08:23 PM »
What does everyone think of this technique?
Are there any drills too develope this release?
I've had the chance in my area too watch
Mike Machuga use this release,and I"m impressed
with how smooth he is and and with hardly no



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Re: Cup and Collaspe Release
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2009, 09:44:55 PM »
I have fooled around with it.  I did better by
making sure my fingers were inside the ball and
my wrist slightly cupped and relaxed and then not
collapsing the wrist but lifting up and slightly
around the ball at the same time..

Anyway, what really helps, IMO, is having
really stong wrists, fingers and forearms.

3 X a week I lift weights intensely.  Part of
my workout is wrist/forearm curs and hand
grips.  I do them slowly with full motion.
With added strength, I can put my wrist, effortlessly,
in any position I want to put it in and it allows me
to relaxe my wrist and fingers.

Also, I flip a football underhand almost every night for a
few minutes.  The helps me to always keep my fingers
on the inside when bowling.  Also, it helps me to flip
the bowling ball off of my hand.  

By doing these exercises and constantly flipping that
football underhand, I never think about my release
when bowling.  I am trying to go for the max revs
and latest/sharpest breaking hook I can get.