I realise that the Pin to PAP and MB to PAP distances stay constant in all 4 examples. They are all roughly 5 X 6.75 with the pin moving up 1 1/8" or 15° each time.
However the MB position in relation to the VAL changes to a pretty large degree.
This change in MB to VAL distance has an influence also.
Every thing I have ever read about the degree system states that the 75° position will have the strongest reaction with flip.
Can you honestly say that you feel that all 4 would have a flip reaction.
Here is another
PIC to help show what I am talking about. In this pic the Pin to MB, the relation between the line from the pin to the MB and the horizontal axis line stay constant and the MB stays in more of a strong/flip position. The line from the pin to PAP and pin to mass bias are reduced by 15° for every 1.125" or 15° that the pin is moved above the midline/horizontal axis line.
Evolve to a smarter's unofficial FAQ sectionEdited on 12/7/2006 1:01 AM