Using your spare ball, put a piece of white type relatively close to your PAP. To the right of your grip if you are right handed. Keep moving this tape until it is stationary when you release the ball. When you can throw the ball, and tape doesn't move, that is your release PAP.
The tape will move if you use a ball that flares. You can find it, but it is harder, the tape will only be stationary through maybe the arrows, then the flare will take over and move the tape as the pin migrates towards your PAP.
Measure this point from the center of your span, "4 1/2 over, 3/4 up" or whatever. Knowing this will allow you/your driller to be very exact when laying out balls for you.
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Storm VIP Shop Member
Brunswick Pro Source Member
Drilling and Tech Advice
Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!
Onward through the Storm!!!!