You may recall that I've mentioned a layout I once had on an R2: pin down by thumb, CG stacked about even with mid-palm. Was a great ball for a couple of conditions. So, I had a Roto Assault just sitting about, getting lonely, and I thought I'd redrill it this way and see what happened. For those who don't know the Assault, it's a pretty aggressive ball. With the pin about 1 inch over and 1 inch down from the thumb, CG and mass bias stacked above that it goes almost dead straight (just like the old R2 did) for 50 feet or so then makes a small change of direction to the hole. Now, before reading on, where do you think the bow tie on this ball might be? (The answer is below.) It hits very well, and I think I'll keep it around for when I might want to play deep without a big hook. BUT, unlike the R2, it thumps every hole - which I don't mind as it isn't thumping hard enough to go airborne.
The answer is:
Dead smack in the middle of the thumb hole.
"If one tells the truth, one is sure sooner or later to be found out. " (Oscar Wilde)
"Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regrets, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true." (Robert Brault)