The only reason why I would suggest doing something more like a 20-30 degree PSA or mass bias alignment, as opposed to a 0 degree, would be taking a risk of not being precise and having the ball flare backwards or invert. It's like trying to place a pin in the PAP. If the PSA/mass bias or pin is within 1 to 1 1/2", it will suffice.
I would suggest going with a solid coverstock ball, depending on rev rate, drilling the pin 5 1/4-3/4" from PAP and going with a PSA/mass bias closer to your PAP. This will allow the ball to be cleaner through the fronts, so that surface can be used to play closer to the oil and away from the early burn and with the lower RG PSA/mass bias alignment will allow the ball to be smoother off the spot.
If a weight hole is needed, try and either place in the PAP to make legal or smooth out front to back or in the PSA/mass bias to make slightly stronger.
Formerly BrunsRico