For starters, by placing the pin in the grip center, you generally drill around the core leaving a majority of the dynamics of the core. Placing the weight hole at 6 3/4" from the primary pin increases the overall dynamics, by increasing the asymmetry of the core. By placing the weight hole in the PSA or mass bias, you also increase the overall potential or dynamics of the core. So generally speaking, if nothing else, this layout, no matter the pin to PAP distance, will have more dynamic potential.
The best way to understand the layout, is that it helps the bowler, generally speaking, with what they may lack in reaction. For example, most bowlers that have a lower track and/or spinner release, lack ball reaction or need more help with creating reaction. So by placing the pin in the center of the grip, the pin is closer to leverage, which is a strong pin placement, it will increase overall ball reaction for this bowler type.
A bowler with a higher track generally creates length easier and can have an over/under reaction on some conditions. This layout helps blend out front to back reaction.
A bowler with higher ball speed, the layout will help the ball slow down, thus creating reaction on higher volume shots.
Basically, this layout will give you a different reaction, than a traditional layout, when said traditional layouts do not work. I can also tell you that EVERY Brunswick staffer, on the exempt tour, has this layout in a multiple of balls in their arsenals.
I find it comical, the individuals that tend to call this layout 'out', saying it's not new, it doesn't work, it's a sham, etc. I can tell you for a fact, it does work when used correctly, for what it would be intended for each bowler type.
Formerly BrunsRico