This layout is probably not for you. Rico can be used by anybody, but is usually favored by slightly speed dominant to speed dominant players. It gives them miss room to the right.
Most crankers/rev dominant players have a tendancy to favor miss room to the left. If you drill an aggressive ball like that, it may roll hard and smooth, but not give you the push down lane most rev/dom. players like to have on a THS if you tug it inside a bit. And being rev dominant, if you fan it right too early, its going to over react.
People who have a tendancy to throw it through the break point like this drilling because the pin being down like that gets it into a roll sooner and the potential to recover. Likewise the early roll also helps them carry if they miss left.
Its not a bad layout, but most rev dominant players don't match up to it well, unless it is a much weaker ball with a weaker cover.