First off, I give many respects to MoRich as the creator of the Dual Angle Layout. This post would not have been possible without it. That being said, here's my story..
I started studying the Dual Angle Layout technique for many reasons, but mainly to help my game. I have never had a bill drilled for my game, never had a PAP measured correctly, never had a ball laid out to match my needs. Needless to say, none of the pro shops in my area have any drilling techniques beyond the typical pin above bridge, pin below ring finger, and pin next to ring finger layouts. Well, if you had watched my videos (which are still floating around the forum) you'd notice that typical layouts like these do not work for me. I measured my PAP today using an Armadillo. I am 3 1/2" over by 1" up, which means that a standard layout like those mentioned will lay out to be "weak" balls. All of my life I have battled over/under conditions, trial and error layouts, and poorly laid-out equipment because I did not know any better. However, tonight I seen the light..
I read over the Dual Angle Layout technique probably 35 times before I decided this is something I'd have to do to step up my game and my knowledge. I got permission from the pro shop owner to use the pro shop tonight while he bowled league, so I got started right away. I used the Armadillo to find my PAP, which wasn't too far off from what I was guessing it to be. After finding my PAP, I carefully followed each and every instruction on the Dual Angle Layout instruction pamphlet I had printed out. By the way, I have never laid out a bowling ball before; I am guilty of using the basic rules of "if you put the pin here, it'll go longer, but if you but it here, it'll hook earlier." BUT- paying close attention to the directions and following along with the pictures, I managed to lay out a bowling ball-- MY bowling ball-- drilled for MY game. I ended up after several practice layouts going with 60x4x60, just to see what it would do. I get a lane, line up, and go through with my shot like normal. Immediately I notice the ball clearing the heads VERY nicely, surpassing the midlane with no problem whatsoever, and making a very nice turn toward the pocket. But the one thing I noticed most, something I have never seen happen from a ball released from my hand.. about 45 foot down the lane, the ball actually shifts completely (just like everyone else's) and starts moving towards the pins. Never once in my life have I had a ball that actually spun like it was supposed to and shifted like it was supposed to at the backend. Of course, I am sure this is hard to image. You're probably thinking to yourself, "Steve, what in the world are you talking about? How else CAN it look?" Basically, pretty much every ball I've ever owned or had drilled up for me has had the same generalized look as it was traveling down the lane, which I might add is a very unique look in my opinion. The best way to describe it would be to picture a ball hooking toward the pins. The finger holes are physically on the left side of the ball, assuming it's thrown by a right hander. That's normal, right? Ok, my typical shot includes the previous scenario, but the oddity is that the ball starts off that way, spins a little bit, then finishes that way again. Still following me? No? Ok, let me try again. When the ball is released, my finger holes are on the left side of the ball. As it travels down the lane, the finger holes migrate a little bit away from the left, but as soon as the ball starts to make a move toward the pocket, the finger holes are back to the left. So basically what it looks like is if the ball never makes any kind of physical shift down the lane, more like a marble rolling across a table. After using the Dual Angle Layout technique, I noticed that the ball now makes a physical shift down the lane, proving to me that this ball is drilled for ME.
I have now welcomed myself to part of the game that I never knew existed. For years I had wondered why I have had so much trouble finding consistency, battling over/under conditions, and adjusting to constant bad carry. After tonight, that all stops. Tonight I stop battling myself; tonight I gain back my confidence. Tonight-- I win.
Thank you Ballreviews community. I give credit of all my future success, whether big or small, to you guys.