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Author Topic: Drilling a Pancake Ball  (Read 1751 times)


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Drilling a Pancake Ball
« on: March 06, 2007, 02:31:11 AM »
I have a Red Pearl Scout Urethane that I am using for spares as a no thumb bowler. I have been bowling all season like this because of surgery to my thumb. The Scout is drilled with the pin ~3" from my PAP (5-3/4'^ 1/8"> and slightly above the midline maybe 1/2". I am getting ready to start using my thumb again and will have to plug the Scout to be used as a spare/dry lane ball. It has the vaccu grip style insert holes which I do not like plus the span is to short.

My question is, should I plug it and redrill where it is at or should I move it? My other stats are in my profile and are current to no thumb release. My normal release is about 18-19 mph at the pins and a lot less turn on the ball. I also have a PAP of 4-3/4"> .5^ with my normal release.

What should I do?

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Member of the F.O.S.
***Super Carbide***
***Uranium HRG***
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***Red Urethane Scout***
That which does not kill us strengthens us.

So do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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***Solid Cobalt Bomb***
***Cherry Pearl C/2***
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Re: Drilling a Pancake Ball
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2007, 02:18:27 PM »
Layout means very little on a ball with a pancake core.  I would plug the existing holes and redrill in a new area selected so that your track misses the plugged areas while keeping the cg in a position that doesn't require a balance hole.  --  JohnP