OK, the issue is this: a guy came with a backyard bully and he told me he saw the ball had tremendous backend reaction so he wanted me to drill his ball "late".
I didn't tell him anything and went to the lanes so i can measure his axis point. His pap was located sth like 1,5 over 2 1/8 up... What i did was place the pin under the bridge and pin pap distance was 2 inches... what i really thought to do was if i place the pin 3 3/8 it would be on the other side of the ball. it would be just below and left of his middle finger(he is a righty). Now he is planning to get a new ball, and i told him to buy a v2 Power(his bb was going way too long) so i can drill it so it atleast hooks(again his bb was skidding was too much)
So my question is, if i need to put the pin on the negative side would this be correct?
Trying the best is not shooting a 300 game...
Its making 250 average every time you bowl