It's just a ball in my opinion. Doesn't matter to me. The pretty colors don't make it strike more. But that's me. Some people moan and groan about scratches on the ball. I don't. To me, your throwing a 15/16lb ball, 15-20mph down the lane, whacking 10 pins, a scratch or plug color is the least of my worries. But that's me. Some people have to have their grips the same color as the ball, I like just the plain black no matter what. But that's me. Everybody lives their own lives, and can do as they please. Worrying about something so minute isn't for me.
But I see the point, if your were doing it for re-sale, than yes, it should be pretty close.
To each their own...
A bizarre incident occurred in the outskirts of an American suburb.....It was later revealed that the terrible disaster had been caused by the T-Virus.....a mutagentic toxin created by international enterprise Umbrella Incorporated for use in bio-weapon experiments.
Don't worry the zombies are looking for brains, you're safe.....
Edited by Gunny on 3/23/2012 at 5:36 PM