Totally disagree with that statement, rememeber that pro shop is a business and the more you spend, the more they make.
No way do you need to spend that much money.
there are many options out there for far less than that
If there are other pro shops, call around and ask what they recommend for your situation, don't tell them how much you can spend, see what they say.
IMO, there isnt any equipment really that you "grow into"
from the first shot you throw with it, it will be the same
It will be "YOU" that will grow, not the equipment
You could buy 2 balls for that price, and you will need more than one to be better at this sport
A $50 spare ball is just as important as a decent strike ball, maybe more important.
Get better at spares and your scores will go up.
rule of thumb for spares is to throw straight at every combination with the exception being double wood (2-8 or 3-9)
Another huge important investment would be a coach, would have paid me dividends if I had done it sooner
Practicing bad habits will get you nowhere fast
Learn proper technique and then practice those and you will be on a much faster track to higher scores and more fun.
It just depends what you want to get out of it, If you want to go and have fun occasionally, maybe bowl a league, and your happy with 150, 170 or so
then buy a 150 ball, enjoy yourself
If you want to go further, it will take work, coaching is a a much more valuable investment than expensive equipment
again.....only my .02 worth of nearly 40 years in this game