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Author Topic: Hypothetically - Asym vs Sym  (Read 2503 times)


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Hypothetically - Asym vs Sym
« on: March 14, 2006, 09:54:09 PM »
I keep trying to figure why every Asym ball I've tried is a miserable failure. I'm a low rev, 70-90 degree rotation player. I beleive balls will skid for me more than the norm due to my release.

I'm not saying that it's Asym cores for sure, but the problem is evidenced in 100% of true Asym designs.

Also, please note that I've been bowling for 47 years, carry a 215 when practicing, so not a newbie...

All asyms I've tried do the same thing... lope down the lane, never seem to rev up or get out of first gear. No hook, nothing. Particularly disappointing was the Classic Zone I recently acquired. Ball loped worse than anything I've ever seen exscept the Rule. I need to understand why. I can think of two potential answers/measurements... Spin time or Rg. I notice that the Classic Zone has a spin time of 8.6. The Rule (also a major disaster) is 6.0 though, so maybe that's not it. I favor Infernos, Rg 2.46 or so. Hmmm...

Which parameter would most vividly be evidenced by a telltale lope and skid... Spin time or min Rg?

In all cases, safe to assume fairly standard drillings...

Balls I use well. - Original and Ultimate Inferno
Balls that just skidded/loped - Rule, Classic Zone, Throttle Up.

Worked (kinda, but not what I expected) - Nemesis, Vendetta particle

Thanks in advance
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Edited on 3/15/2006 6:54 AM

Edited on 3/15/2006 6:58 AM

Edited on 3/15/2006 7:03 AM



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Re: Hypothetically - Asym vs Sym
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2006, 08:02:56 AM »
The higher the RG number the more it will skid.  The lower RG balls tend to get into there roll quicker.

Since you have low revs and your release causes a lot of skid I would choose lowere rg balls for you.  The lower rg cores will help you ball get into a roll sooner and not skid too long.

I hope this helps.

Edited on 3/15/2006 9:05 AM


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Re: Hypothetically - Asym vs Sym
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2006, 09:27:54 AM »
Is your driller knowledgeable enough to do the mirror image to lay the ball out for a lefty?  If he's laying it out the same as he does for a rightie, the pin and MB is not going to be in the correct position.  See the drill sheet for the One or the Big One on the Ebonite website and find the layout that has the big red X and says do not use.  The MB will be to the left of the thumb hole.  When you reverse it, for a lefty, that MB would be on the right side of the thumb hole (the one you don't want to use).  And don't laugh, I see lefties balls quite frequently  that have the pin placement for a rightie.  --  JohnP


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Re: Hypothetically - Asym vs Sym
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2006, 09:42:19 AM »
As a player who's ball can miss the breakpoint because of strong side roll I like lower rgs also but don't have to go as low as you do.

Some of those assyms have similar low rg numbers as teh nemesis etc....sort of your not so great balls(breakpoint too long).

Lots of bowlers with your side roll and on left(more oil in midlanes) will tend to use lower pin positions on balls with higher rgs to make them effective.

I've at time had great results(back when I bowled on oil(not lately)) with revs leverage type drillings.

You might want to try applying one of those to one of these balls you are going to discard anyway...say a classic zone where you lower the pin down to say 1 1/2 above your grip midline and put cg an equal distance below and then put a weighthole thru line of grip center thru cg down on val in lower thumb quadrant.

I have found this very effective at times.

It really may not be the just may be the pearl combined with the higher rg figures.

I bet if you tried a Vertigo or a Total Annhilation you'd LOVE em!
They would be similar to your ultimate but with a more pronounced move at break if setup strong!


PS I'm surprised at throttle up...(was pin way up???)
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Re: Hypothetically - Asym vs Sym
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2006, 09:41:36 PM »
Interesting, LL. I have never tried high Rg with low pin, but did recently pick up a used Overtime that was drilled lowere pin than I've ever used, almost as low as you mention. It is a Rg of 2.51 and .054 diff. Early reaction, seemed to be a great ball, but even rolled out some. I've shied away from higher Rg. Why would low rev folks want a high Rg with a low pin instead of a Low Rglow pin that should rev up faster?
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Re: Hypothetically - Asym vs Sym
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2006, 06:01:29 AM »

You ignored JohnP response. DO so at your own peril.

RGs are not nearly as important as proper drills for mass bias balls. That is of EXTREME importance. Pin and MB position are very sensitive in these balls, much more so than any manipulations based on the pin. In fact the MB psoiton can almost negate the pin's influence; it is that important, depending on your PAP, tilt and rotation. SUrface plays an important role also. An educated driller is essential in this situation.
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Re: Hypothetically - Asym vs Sym
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2006, 11:32:21 AM »
OH...I didn't say one would prefer a high rg with a low pin over a low rg with a standard pin(say next to or over ring).

What I meant is here is a way to make them workable..those slightly higher rg assyms!

My guess again is that something like a Vertigo or a Total Annhilation you would find very satisfying if you like the Ultimate.  Due to surface and similar type lower rgs.


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana