I keep trying to figure why every Asym ball I've tried is a miserable failure. I'm a low rev, 70-90 degree rotation player. I beleive balls will skid for me more than the norm due to my release.
I'm not saying that it's Asym cores for sure, but the problem is evidenced in 100% of true Asym designs.
Also, please note that I've been bowling for 47 years, carry a 215 when practicing, so not a newbie...
All asyms I've tried do the same thing... lope down the lane, never seem to rev up or get out of first gear. No hook, nothing. Particularly disappointing was the Classic Zone I recently acquired. Ball loped worse than anything I've ever seen exscept the Rule. I need to understand why. I can think of two potential answers/measurements... Spin time or Rg. I notice that the Classic Zone has a spin time of 8.6. The Rule (also a major disaster) is 6.0 though, so maybe that's not it. I favor Infernos, Rg 2.46 or so. Hmmm...
Which parameter would most vividly be evidenced by a telltale lope and skid... Spin time or min Rg?
In all cases, safe to assume fairly standard drillings...
Balls I use well. - Original and Ultimate Inferno
Balls that just skidded/loped - Rule, Classic Zone, Throttle Up.
Worked (kinda, but not what I expected) - Nemesis, Vendetta particle
Thanks in advance
Signature? I don't need no stinking signature...
Edited on 3/15/2006 6:54 AM
Edited on 3/15/2006 6:58 AM
Edited on 3/15/2006 7:03 AM