We are trying to determine how to drill this ladies new ball but the track is like nothing we've seen before.
We've talked to proshop owners, coaches, ball manufacturer, etc. and no one has been able to help.
The lady throws a right handed backup ball with the back of the hand facing the pins on the downswing followed by a clockwise wrist twist at release which gives it the backup action. We're trying to come up with a drilling pattern that
will give her more drive through the pocket but looking at the track, we don't know where to start.
The ball measured is drilled for a lefthander.
Here's what the track looks like.
http://www.box.net/shared/g9e8kcncf8Here's our problems: Everything seems backwards.
1. The AP(axis point) marked #1 which is visible to the bowler as it rolls down the lane is in the position shown. This AP however is closest to the track which says it's the NAP but why then is it visible going down the lane.
I thought the PAP was the visible axis point and the NAP was in the front of the ball toward the pins.
2. The distance to AP #1 is 7 1/2" from the grip midline which again says it's the NAP but then again, it seems to be in the wrong place going down the lane.
3. The track is on the wrong side of the ball for a lefthanded/backup delivery. The ball is tracking on the same side as a right handed hook ball.
4. The track starts out away from the grip and flares toward the grip, just the opposite of most balls.
Anybody got any ideas of how to drill a new ball to fit what's happening here? Any help would sure be appreciated.
ps - (Unfortunately, the lady is fixed in her style and changing the style is not an option)