On a recent ball, I have noticed that when drilling the thumb hole (1 5/16" for Vise IT installation), there was a pretty pronounced "bulge" in the wall of the hole, between the filler material and the core. Not sure if it's a dull bit, some play in the drill press, or just the different density materials relaxing after drilling?
I have seen this before, but not to this extent... this one even did it a little in the fingers (31/32" hole). I had to go back in and try to sand/smooth out a bit.
Related (I think) is a similar situation where the top sleeve of the Vise-ITs have all been very tight when initially drilling the thumb hole. I have to work out a bit in order to get the ring to slide in with little effort (therefore the thumb slug will go in with I it having to force). I though maybe the tolerances were off a bit on the bag of sleeves, but I bought a second bag and saw the same thing.
Would a slight wobble (I can't see/detect it visually) and/or a dull bit cause a hole to be slightly smaller and/or not perfectly round?
Anything to look for or try? I have an older Delta press.