Lots of talk about finger pitch lately...
If you are using lifts with 5/16 rev in the fingers, you effective reverse pitch is about 1/16..... Going to "0" pitched holes with "lifts" will give you about 1/4 fwd. That is pretty drastic with a 5" plus span.
My feelings on finger pitch is the amount of reverse should be based on the flexibility of the bowler. Ideally, you want the most contact between the finger pad and inserts that you can get, while being comfortable.
I use 1/4 rev in my middle and 3/8 rev in my ring, with oval inserts. I recently had to change the ring b/c I began to feel my finger nail "dig" into the back to the insert. FWIW, my span is 4 7/16 and I use 1/8 fwd/1/8 right in the thumb.