I used the ball again, last night, and it was 10 times better. I didn't really have a good idea of where to stand and how to release it the 1st time I tried it. Like you said, the Flare is definitely reduced, the lines are tight and not spread out very much. The ball just rolls really good right now. I also drilled a Trifecta with the same pin-to-PAP distance with a 40-degree RAD, on the VAL. This ball flares alot more, and hooks more than the one I drilled through the RAD with. I like the one that I drilled through the RAD with, because it was really smooth off the dry but still stored the energy really well and my pin carry was good. I also brought this ball up to 1000 grit and highly polished it to better store the energy and smooth out these wet-drys I am bowling league on... and it is working just as I had hoped. I just didn't realize drilling the thumb in the RAD would weaken the ball, but that is probably what I needed anyway. Thanks again.
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