Pitches are measured at the center of the hole, and are the distance the center of the hole misses the center of the ball. For simplicity, let's talk about a 1" hole with 0 pitch. The center of the hole is toward the dead center of the ball. But either side of the hole would pass 1/2" to that side of the center of the ball. That's why for a MF hole (rightie) with left pitch the right side of the hole will usually be angled toward the bridge instead of away from it. The hole would have to be drilled with 1/2 left pitch to be parallel with the bridge. It will help you to understand this if you draw a circle, representing a ball, then draw the holes in from a side view. Most drillers stay with at least 3/4 difference between the pitches of the two finger holes. Thanks to Deadbait for helping me to understand this, even if he was trying to confuse me (lol). -- JohnP