I can't say I am well versed in the "perfect score" numbers. The Breeze should be a bit more ball than your Avalanche. I have the Avalanche and I scuffed it up a little with a worn 2000 abralon pad. It works great for me but I need to play straighter angles with it and throw it into the dry. The Game may be along the same lines as the Avalanche in terms of hook but I have not seen one of those in a while.
Clearview sounds like just a really short shot. Here I would play near the gutter with the polished Outburst first. If that is too much, then try the Game then move to the Avalanche. The goal is to have the ball leave the synthetic part of the lane outside of first arrow. This should be a starting point. Remember to stay behind the ball, trying to roll the ball end-over-end and adjust your hand accordingly if you need more rotation. You don't want the ball to jump left and staying behind the ball can help with this.
As for Dutchman, I am not sure what to tell you. When lanes are tight downlane, I generally want to have to ball rolling earlier into the end of the pattern instead of trying to have the ball recover at the end of the pattern. This may mean trying the same shot as at Clearview, getting the ball into a roll earlier.
I would definitely try to practice these and any other recommended shots before the tournament if you can. Or watch to see how others are being successful at these houses. I think trying to control the rotation you put on the ball will be the easier thing to work on right now. Ultimately, increasing your ball speed, if possible, to match your rev rate would be ideal.
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on BallReviews.com