"Ok so I understand that the first number is the Drill Angle, the second is the Pin Distance, and the (third) is the up or down in the position."
Assuming you mean the 3rd measurement is the up/down. No. That is the Storm sttyle.
The 3rd measurement is the VAL angle, the angle between the line formed by the pin and the PAP and the VAL line. It is much more than an up/down situation. You should read Mo's theory in greater detail. It will help a lot.
"So my pap is 4" straight over, am I correct in thinking the the 45-50 pin to val would put my pin beside my ring basically"
For the symmetric drilling:
For the asymmetric drilling (60 x 2 1/2 x 50):
for both of these, the answer is it depends on your span.
You should use the Dual Angles, in any case, not the location of pin and MB with respect to your finger & thumb holes.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"A comedian says funny things. A comic says things funny."
Edited by charlest on 10/4/2011 at 11:54 AM