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Author Topic: dual angle layouts for inverted tracks  (Read 1900 times)


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dual angle layouts for inverted tracks
« on: June 29, 2014, 07:16:10 AM »
For the layout specialists: I have a good understanding of dual angle layouts and have looked/studied Mo's suggested layouts for high, medium and low track players.

I am a righty and have an inverted track with a pap of 5&1/4 inches over and 1&1/4 inches down, so I guess that I am on the border of medium to high track.  I am tracking initially just left of the middle finger and well left of the thumb hole.

Would the layout recommendations be different due to the down PAP?



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Re: dual angle layouts for inverted tracks
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2014, 10:48:29 AM »
No, the layout recommendations would be the same, but I would not recommend guessing "High, Medium or Low".  Mo has further defined his layouts based on degrees of tilt... 11 & under, 12-18, and 19 & up.

To be more accurate I would measure the actual size of your track (from edge to edge of the first ring through the NAP) to establish your initial axis tilt and go from there.
Good Luck & Good Bowling!

Ron Machniak