OK, bought from a so so(at best internet seller) a C System MAXXED. It came with a short pin out and only around 2 ounces of top weight. My request 3 to 4 pin and 2.5 of top weight to tweak.
I have an acquaintance killing it with this smooth powerful symmetric on the left side in our house!
He has 4 inch pin out, and pin over ring stacked. I wanted near the same, as this house requires backend to strike.
My current solutions that work most of the time: a pin up Mission X mass bias strong. A slightly pin up and next to ring Rotogrip Grand Illusion.
My feeling was this very low RG Maxx needed pin up slightly to keep this ball from bellying too much on this shot where a lot of belly can only be solved by the amount of backend an assym can deliver.
My thoughts are that with this short of a pin out(near 1 and 1/2) I am going to have trouble putting pin near ring and producing the type of reaction I want, through deeper fingers and a reaction enhancing weighthole down(as the deeper fingers shift the pre weighthole cg down).
Do some of the drilling gurus feel that with this setup I can have any type of reaction but smooth and even! for this very low rg, short pin out, low top weight ball?
pS I have recently used the above compensations to get a Total Bedlam with a short pi out to be pin up and have a similar but slightly weaker trajectory to my stronger Mission X. (Just what I wanted!).