HI guys,
Any help you could supply would be greatly appreciated.
I've been struggling with carry for the better part of the year and have become increasingly frustrated with the countless 7-pins and 10-pins I've been leaving, mainly at critical points in the game. Granted I don't throw much ball, about 275 or so revs, but I suspect my PAP/drilling may have been the culprit.
Let me explain.
Once at a demo day, I was told that my PAP was 4.5" by 0.5" up. So, I've been running with that and have had my stuff drilled accordingly. So, on Monday night, a fellow bowler who I've only really exchanged "hello's" and niceties with and never had a real conversation with, comes up to me and says, "I've never seen anyone who hits the hole so often, doesn't carry, and still manages a 215 average." He then asked me if he could look at my equipment/bag where 4 out of my 5 balls were drilled pin up, 3 of those 4 pin over ring with the other one pin over bridge. He then grabbed my ball off the rack, looked at the oil, and asked what my PAP was.
I told him what I was told, 4.5 by 0.5 up. He told me no way was that even close. It turns out that it is 2 5/16" by 5/16" up.
So, were my carry problems related to my equipment being drilled "wrong" or "not optimally". What kind of pins should I be using? Layout options?
I value your opinions on here and I think that the technical expertise you guys could share with me, combined with conversation with the new local pro shop guy may help me optimize the rest of my season.
Again, anything you could share would be greatly appreciated.
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd just yell out letters. --DM