This topic definately has me thinking of tinkering with my pitches again. I always seem to have trouble getting out of my thumb cleanly on a regular basis. Sometimes I will hang in the thumb while other times I lose the ball early off my thumb resulting in a wide shot with no hit on it. I found an old drill sheet in my bag that should be close to what I'm currently using, I may have changed it slightly but I know I am still under palm with reverse.
Here are what my stats are: Rt. Handed
Middle finger span 5 1/8
Ring finger span 5 1/4
Thumb 5/8 reverse, 1/8 under palm
Using the tests from this method, my thumb is most comfortable when it points between my index finger and middle finger suggesting either 0 or even slightly away from palm. 5/8 seems like a lot of reverse according to this method but I do have a long span. I also have been feeling stiffness/pain in my middle finger at the first joint, maybe reverse needed in fingers.
Here's what I'm thinking of trying, adding a little reverse in the fingers and changing to 0 or 1/8 away on the thumb. What will the change in thumb pitch do to my release? Should I also change the amount of reverse? Any suggestions?