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Author Topic: Freakin!  (Read 1444 times)


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« on: April 09, 2006, 06:57:03 AM »
Ok I love these balls because I personally think they're the best bargain in the game right now.  I've thrown 6 of them with different layouts(mostly experimental) and I just ordered the only two I haven't thrown yet which are the particle solid and Dry/R.  

I am a higher track/high axis rotation player, PAP is 5 1/4 right and 1/8 down and I've noticed some funky things on the Powergrooves with certain pin placements.

When I go 5" pin to PAP under the ring finger the bowtie goes right into my middle finger and thumps the whole way until it flares off about the last 10 feet.  
When I go Rico 1 with the lowe hole, it inverts my track the other way and flares through the thumb.  It brings the bowtie down below my midline as if the ball was flaring backwards.  It's a great reaction but what it's doing to my track and PAP coordinates is really freaking me out.

The only pin placements I've tried that have actually not altered my PAP coordinates is a high pin over the bridge and a 2" pin to PAP placement.  

I'm looking for some options on my new grooves that will keep me in a "flare safe" zone so to speak.  I really wish Brunswick had a separate drill sheet for these as it is apparent that the core is not your average 3 piece/offset puck(s) design.  Any people wanna share some drillings and results they've seen with theirs?
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Re: Freakin!
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2006, 07:17:10 AM »

I had the same problem with my Dry/R. I drilled it 5 3/4" from PAP under my middle finger, and it thumped the last half of the lane over the middle finger. I fixed it by putting a 3/4" weighthole 2 1/2" deep 3 inches below my VAL.

Not only did that fix the thumping issue, but it also allowed me to use the ball a little bit more effectively because it then turned the corner a little harder.

The Power Groove core does not like to be drilled outside of label or high pin. I think it's becuase of the high RG, but something about it makes it want to flare differently than a standard 2 piece core.


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Re: Freakin!
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2006, 08:40:06 AM »
A buddy and my wife both have Power Grooves drilled with the pin over the bridge cg kicked between finger holes and pap just below midline with a weight hole low. The two of them are high trackers and niether of them hit any of the holes. just make sure you get a ball with a low top wght 2 oz. and a long pin 3.5-4 inches. Both balls go long and finish very nicely. Great balls for playing 10 to the ditch.
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Re: Freakin!
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2006, 09:51:08 AM »

As you can see from your experience and others here in this thread, the PG's core acts like a true pancake core. Just play it safe and treat it as such. The fact thhat those blocks in the bottom add to the flare and hook are a bonus.

The weight hole someone put 3" below their PAP acted just like others did in raising the bowtie (and adding earlier flare). It does that, in general, for cores with a differential greater than .040".

I drilled one with the pin under the middle finger, which for me is about 5.5" from my PAP. This caused a fairly high track for me, higher than normal. This is what normally happens when the CG is moved towards the negative side of the grip. This seems to imply that the pin on a PG should be treated somewhat (but not precisely) like the CG in a plain pancake core, with regards to static weights and the effect on the ball and the track.
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Re: Freakin!
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2006, 10:00:21 AM »
I have heard from king of the mill that those balls aren't always marked properly which could be aiding in this issue.

Message him for more details, I didn't get into it with him, but had said something along those lines......
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