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Author Topic: Effects of Sarge Easter Grip  (Read 4610 times)


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Effects of Sarge Easter Grip
« on: February 02, 2005, 11:01:16 AM »
I have noticed so people here are using the Sarge Easter Grip.  For those that use it or have used it, how does it change for PAP???  Is it lower or higher, further up or down?  

Also, did your pin placements change as well?  If the pin is under the ring, which is now considerably lower, does that smooth out the backend for you?  Also, have you tried pin placements above the ring, next to the middle finger??  

I am a med to high rev player and was considering this grip for a weaker dry lane ball for those late games with little head oil in tourneys.

just curious.

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Re: Effects of Sarge Easter Grip
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2005, 07:26:59 PM »
I think we need captain backswing Nick to answer this question, I have the same concern too !


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Re: Effects of Sarge Easter Grip
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2005, 07:33:26 PM »
Since i don't use it I can't speak firsthand, BUT what i do know is that it does more than "cut down revs".  It gives your more foward roll.  This will probably raise your track, adjusting your PAP accordingly to how much your track changes.  That much I know.

As for layouts, I'm not quite sure.  But I think if you decide to do it, put the pin above the ring finger (next to middle).  That will give you a good look since your reaction will already be smoothed out by the increased forward roll.

I think you'd be able to make it work on dry lanes.  Your revs should decrease, allowing you to go through the heads a little better, and the forward roll should give you less over/under.

Hope that helps until Nick or someone signs on.
- Andy

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Re: Effects of Sarge Easter Grip
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2005, 03:28:53 AM »
My PAP hasn't changed whatsoever. If I have a medium to higher RG ball with a high rg layout, then the lower my track gets. The lower RG, with lower RG layout, the more inverted it gets. Weird.

Anyway, pin placements have changed, since I don't want to drill through pins, I've shifted the pin under ring to pin under middle. Since I'm rolling the ball better with this grip, having the pin a little further from my PAP helps me with length. My Inferno reacts the same with the pin a bit lower under the ring as opposed to my first inferno with fingertip grip.

My only suggestion, DO NOT GO BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN FINGERTIP AND SARGE!!! You'll LOSE the feel in your fingertip ball, and NEVER get accustomed to the sarge grip.

K, I'm tired, and I'm blabbering on and on. I'm sure in the rambling incoherency, there was a tidbit of info or something... zzzzz
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Nick Smith
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