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Author Topic: Drillers question  (Read 1085 times)


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Drillers question
« on: November 18, 2008, 04:27:14 PM »
Help,I forgot what to do with blems with pins that are 8-9.5" from the cg.I am pretty sure you turn the ball up side down but I don't remember the rest.



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Re: Drillers question
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2008, 08:38:59 AM »
Sometimes you might get a ball with a large Pin to CG placement.
This happens alot with Blems, x-outs and Pro Pin balls. which are all
just another name for seconds.

You wonder how to lay them out. A simple way to make it easy is
to located let's call it the "anti-pin". This is the point 180 degrees
around the ball directly opposite the pin.

Look at it this way, The normal pin is the Northpole and the anti-pin will be the southpole.

First thing before you start, weight the ball and verifiy the cg positon.
Just incase its mismarked.

To find the anti-pin just take your quarterscale and project a line halfway around the ball from the normal pin. Next turn the ball a quarter turn (90*) and project another line around the ball from the normal pin.

Where these lines cross will be your new pin location(anti-pin). Now you can layout the ball normally, using this as the new pin location.

A ball with a 9" pin to cg distance, the mb located between them.

Project the pin 180 degree's around the ball.

Now you have a 4" pin to cg distance.

What you have done is invert the core. The reaction for the ball should basically be the same doing this.

This works with symmetrical cores well, as for a asymmetrical core you'll have to check the MB position. Should be able to do it though.
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Edited on 11/19/2008 10:29 AM
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