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Author Topic: Exactacator Thumb Inserts  (Read 4541 times)


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Exactacator Thumb Inserts
« on: April 13, 2005, 11:22:48 PM »
Hi All.  I've seen the Vise Grips Exactacator Thumb mold kit before and I'm thinking of trying it.  Was wondering if anyone had experience making the molds and the slugs, how they feel when done, any problems, etc.  Also, I was wondering if anyone knew how much the starter kit was or if anyone would be will to sell a kit.  I need to make 1 1/4" and 1 3/8" slugs.  Thanx



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Re: Exactacator Thumb Inserts
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2005, 10:08:37 AM »
Got mine from Liquid Hero on here.

First kit was great.  Molds always were fine but exactacated kits were great in first kit but the second kit I got is crap.  Just won't setup.  

Distinguish in your mind from the mold(just fine) and the subsequent copy kit.

Vise even sent me new stuff.... still crap!

I still have molds and sleeves to make copys but I'm going to get a set of the urethane quick mold kit from custom thumb if I can.

I've also had trouble getting the exactacator thumbs to stay in for a hole season.

I've tried slow set zap, two part glues, gap zap and many other glues and due to the large weather changes around here(often 30 degrees a day and I leave my balls in the car except in extreme winter weather the shrinkage and expansion seems to loosen all of them.

I don't get that from pounded in urethane slugs and glue.

Note I've tried all sanding methods recommended by others here and it has not helped.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Exactacator Thumb Inserts
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2005, 11:08:50 AM »
So what was happening? The copies weren't hardening enough or something and then you couldn't find a glue that worked slow enough to position the slug but then didn't hold enough?  Is that it?  I'm also looking at the Switch Grip. Have you tried that yet?  I like that idea because you can still drill a traditional slug, but then it is removable.  I'm just worried about the slug rattling in your backswing.  A couple of guys I know have the Thoms Thumb insert, but I don't like the pre-made oval and round slugs.  Thanx for the tip man.


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Re: Exactacator Thumb Inserts
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 11:47:25 AM »
We don't use Vise stuff.
(I originally said Turbo)
(We use something else. Sorry I can't remember who makes it.)
I've never had a problem with it. We mold 25 thumbs a month during the year.

Edited on 4/14/2005 12:19 PM