Rico got me really focused on exit angle of the thumb, which is really all that matters. Now, I agree with itsallaboutme of course, had some guy asking me about having 3/4 right in his thumb and if that was normal, but I guess he's got some kind of abnormal thumb socket, so if it works, it works. I'd find a fitting ball and play with it just working on getting out clean and then find a balance between being able to hold on without gripping and being able to get out of it without drag.
Currently I'm at 1/16 rev in my thumb on a span of 4 5/16+ and 4 3/8+ (the + denotes an addition of 1/32 from the measurement, lol I'm not counting out 32nds of an inch). I'm 1/8 rev in both fingers, 1/8 left in middle, 5/8 right in ring. This allows me to keep my thumb socket directly above the hole and get good contact with the entire inside of my thumb. Span is just as important as hole angle in my opinion. If your thumb socket isn't sitting comfortably and directly on top of the thumbhole, you're likely going to be using angle to fix that, and trying to make two wrongs make a right. As long as your span isn't forcing your thumb socket out of center above the hole, you should be able to have fairly small angle measurements unless you have a very long or very short span or an oddity with your hand or joints.